Product Management API

Product Management API (1.0)

The Product Management API allows you to search for products

Common Authorization Parameters

Each request is authorized using username and password fields passed either as query parameters (for GET/POST operations) or part of the application/x-www-form-urlencoded body (for POST operations).

Error Codes

Each response contains a response_status field containing the following error codes.

30001ERRORAuthentication failed
31000ERRORAPI not enabled on your site
40004WARNINGProduct ID Not Found
50002ERRORNo conditions specified
50003ERRORCondition N 'field' is missing
50003ERRORCondition N 'condition' is missing
50003ERRORdate1 is invalid
50003ERRORdate2 is invalid
50004ERRORInvalid limit or offset
50005ERRORInvalid request parameters

Product Search

Retrieve a list of products based upon your search parameters. The maximum number of rows returned is 100. Use the returned "total" value to determine if you need to paginate using the offset parameter.
You can specify multiple conditions in which case the conditions will be join with a logical 'AND'.
To use multiple conditions you will need to pass the parameters using the multi condition parameter format:

conditions[n][parameter name]

where n starts at 1 and "parameter name" is the name of the parameter as below.

Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The Field the condition is tested against.
Multi condition parameter format: conditions[n][field]


  • 1: Product Code
  • 2: Product Name
  • 3: Supplier
  • 4: Product Id
  • 5: Date Modified

The logical test to use.
Multi condition parameter name: conditions[n][condition]


  • 1: ==
  • 2: !=
  • 3: <
  • 4: >
  • 5: <=
  • 6: >=
  • 7: Between

The date to test against (Required when field is a date).
The date is in ISO-8601 format, UTC timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS).
Multi condition parameter name: conditions[n][date1]


The end date to test against (Required when field is a date and condition is 7: Between).
The date is in ISO-8601 format, UTC timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS).
Multi condition parameter name: conditions[n][date2]


The string to test against (Required when field is Product Code or Name).
Multi condition parameter name: conditions[n][string]

integer [ 0 .. 100 ]
Default: 100

Limit the number of results returned. The maximum limit is 100

Default: 0

Offset of the results to allow pagination

Default: 6

What field to sort the results by

  • 1: Product Code
  • 2: Product Name
  • 3: Product Supplier
  • 4: Product Id
  • 5: Date Modified
  • 6: Sort Position


Response Schema: application/json
object (ResponseStatus)
Array of objects (Product)

An array of product objects


The total number of products found

Request samples

Content type

Response samples

Content type
  • "response_status": {
  • "products": [
  • "total": 2

Get Product

Get a single product or a list of products

query Parameters
Example: id=234

the id of the product

Example: ids=1234567,124234,23434

a comma separated list of product ids (max 100)


Response Schema: application/json
object (ResponseStatus)
object (ProductDetailed)
Array of objects (ProductDetailed)

An array of product details when the ids parameter is used

Response samples

Content type
  • "response_status": {
  • "product": {

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The following notice pertains to Altacolor LLC's responsibilities and the user's rights as regards API use and may affect a user's legal rights. Read carefully, as use of any product or technological facility provided by Altacolor LLC binds the user to these terms:

  1. Altacolor LLC is a limited-liability company formed in the United States, with a nexus in the state of Texas.
  2. Altacolor LLC does not provide support for API functions and does not guarantee or warrant performance, correctness, or fitness for a specific purpose of this software. Use of these API functions are SOLELY at the risk of the user. Use of the provided API is acknowledgement by the user of the foregoing and the user assumes all risk, loss or any other consequence of using these functions in whole or in part and further specifically indemnifies Altacolor LLC, its principals, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, agents or representatives from any harm that may arise for the use of or access to the supplied API(s).
  3. Altacolor LLC makes no representations regarding the security or lack thereof of data in whole or part shared using the API or as stored on Altacolor LLC's servers whether onsite or remotely. The user shall at all times maintain appropriate data security and breach insurance that indemnifies Altacolor LLC, its principals, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, agents or representatives against loss whether material or otherwise and further includes any axillary fees and costs such as legal fees, consulting fees, government fees, technology fees or any other sundry costs and fees that may be associated with legal action any action contemplated by the user or a third party actor.
  4. If any provision set forth herein is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the term of this agreement, such provision is fully severable, and this agreement must be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision never comprised a part of this agreement; and the remaining provisions of this agreement remain in full force and effect and may not be affected by the illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision or its severance from this agreement.